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The Project AUDIENCE

Sounding with AUDIENCE

Scientific and Technological Production

Call for Works, Contributions and Opportunities

Team, Colaboration, Support, Partners, Associated Projects and Groups



Call for Works, Contributions and Opportunities

The AUDIENCE project envisages new research/development fronts, oriented to the conception of inovative solutions for production and reproduction of multichannel spatial audio in multi-platforms, with opportunities to new research members and partners. Find below current work and contributions calls and opportunities.

Institutional Partnership Calls and Opportunities

  • We seek industrial partner, company or research/development center with integrable solutions or interest in development in:
    1. wired or wireless multichannel digital audio distribution, and
    2. acoustic simulators to create artificial ambience
  • We seek software-houses and audio software producers oriented to the audio/video markets interested in integrating their solutions for audio processing, capture, rendering and multichannel sound with the AUDIENCE 3D sound architecture, to create new products.

For further information and submissions, please send email to the project coordinator.

Call for Colaborators and Post-Graduate Students

There are opportunities for colaborators, professional and students interested in Internship or Scientific Initiation programs, and Post-Graduate studies, for research and development activities in the following areas:

  • electronic engineering (design and development for digital audio distribution, multichannel DA convertion, multichannel amplifiers, RF-based multichannel distribution),
  • computer science (new patches for complex audiovisual scenes in immersive VR, performance and code optimization, surround sound codecs and transcoders, development of stand-alone AUDIENCE modules/engines, interoperability and communication architectures for software modules/components, plugins (VST) development),
  • music, (new control paradigms based on expressive/musical gestures capture, multichannel recording oriented and self-adjustable to specific orchestration, orchestration/instrumentation-oriented equalization, new orchestral composition, multichannel musical production),
  • acoustics (engineering and architecture) (new projects for immersive reproduction in theaters, auralization auto-adaptation to environment, acoustic measurements for the environmental sound processing and reproduction systems calibration, high density loudspeaker arrays design),
  • audio engineering (new projects for studio operation integrating to AUDIENCE architecture, AUDIENCE applications for phonographic studios, system design for consumer and professional 2D/3D audio),
  • radio and TV (projects for multichannel capture and production, microphone systems, broadcast and consume of new interactive programmes oriented to new paradigms for media consume and immersive audiovisual entertainment).

For further information and submissions, please send email to the project coordinator.

Call for software and audio products for integration

Opportunity to agregate research/development groups and external researchers with developments in software, prototypes or solutions in the areas of spatialization, computer music, sound simulation, digital audio processing, codecs, audio applications and systems, software for surround recording and reproduction and for 2D/3D audio, for joint activities focused on:

  1. the incorporation of new functionalities and blocks into the AUDIENCE platform, by integrating new modules and techniques (software/algorithms), solutions, tools and APIs which implement defined functions in AUDIENCE layers, such as:
    • acoustic simulators and acoustic scene renderers,
    • MIDI-controlled sound synth, MPEG-based or free/open source-based multichannel audio encoders, decoders and processors (effects insertion), etc.
  2. tests of the AUDIENCE (hw+sw) in real applications (environment auralization, specialized auditory projects, complex audiovisual virtual scene auralization, games and 2D/3D audio-based entertainments)
  3. the research and new developments, institutional projects, international colaboration, and integration of AUDIENCE into other frameworks and projects.

For further information and submissions, please send email to the project coordinator.


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  Laboratório de Sistemas IntegráveisEscola Politécnica