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The AUDIENCE Auralization System

The AUDIENCE for VR is an integrated software + hardware system, composed of a software auralization machine and a hardware multichannel distribution and loudspeaker array.

The figure below shows a functional block diagram, expliciting the main tasks and components involved in a virtual audiovisual scene auralization process.

Task scenario and main components of an auralization system

In the highest level of the hierarchy an application (client) withholds the control of the auralization system. In the level immediately below we have the navigation function (which controls the generation of the audiovisual scene for each position of the user in the virtual world), the descriptive structure of data of the audiovisual scene, and a dynamic data update module, that makes the interface with the user or with another automatic module updating the scene objects dynamically.

The auralization module is responsible for the generation of the audible part of the audiovisual scene. It is built with functional components operating in each functional layer defined in the AUDIENCE architecture.

A module is responsible for the synchronism, so that auralization flows integrated to the visual navigation. A module allows to calibrate the reference intensity levels and "setup" of the hardware and software. Finally, the reproduction layer will play the final sounds, using a player available in the system. In the lowest layer we find the used computing hardware and the audio hardware (the sound boards).

System General Block Diagram

In order that the virtual reality applications can sound using some auralization technique we developed and investigated some message passing mechanisms through communication protocols to allow the control of the sound synthesis from the virtual reality application. One proposal makes use of asynchronous channels for transmission of commands and/or data updates (physical parameters) of all objects presently in the acoustic scene, serving the processes that are controlling the synthesis and the acoustic scene auralization.

The usability and the control of the integrated audiovisual navigation are basic questions for complete immersive virtual reality applications, where itens as synchronization, scene description resources sharing, computational load allocation, and the interaction design is vital and even critical to get the desired final effect. These requirements of control and management are necessary and are foreseen in the conception of advanced systems.

Below it is shown the reference block diagram for the implementation of an Ambisonics auralization machine, integrated to a VR application. An auralization engine block diagram is shown, integrated to a control application (in the case, a virtual reality application, that can be for example a game).

An auralization machine block diagram for VR

Blocks description

  • VR Application: The VR application allows an user to open a virtual audiovisual scene in a given VR platform and to navigate and interact in this environment. It is a combination of softwares having a 3D navigator and a system of description and setup of the audiovisual scene (that is for example described using X3D), besides the interface through which the user will interact. This data delivery composing the auditory scene consists of functions in the layer 1 (scene description/composition).
  • The application commands a visualization machine and an auralization one. Inter-process communication and audiovisual synchronization directives between both must be guaranteed by the global system for the unicity of the experience. A parser block extracts the scene data of interest for the auralization machine and sends them (through data passing mechanisms) to the acoustic simulator, responsible for the functions in functional layer 2.
  • Sounds of the sound sources and objects in scene are recovered from a data bank (e.g. wavetables) or generated by sound synthesis (wavetable and/or synth).
  • The acoustic scene modeling and rendering takes place in the auralization machine. For this it is used an acoustic environment model, that is, one technique to render the sounds acoustic propagation in the environment. This is a function in the functional layer 2 for the generation of sound fields in the scene. Depending on the size of the scene or the strategy of division of the scene for distributed auralization, some auralization machine instances are executed, for example being each one responsible for the auralization of an individual sound source.
  • The obtained sound fields are encoded into some adequate spatial format, e.g. the B-Format (1st. order Ambisonics native format) for its transmission up to the reproduction system or player.
  • The spatialization or auralization begins with the 3D format encoding and finishes with the generation of the signals for each used loudspeaker.
  • The decoding consists on the calculation of outpus for the loudspeaker array. A mixing stage to combine soundfields from each irradiating sound source can be necessary before decoding (B-Format case) or after.
  • The reproduction finally consists of the amplification and distribution of the independent audio channels to the output transducers, the loudspeakers, disposed in some output mode (configuration) which determines the number of loudspeakers and their positionings around the listening area. An auxiliary system to calibrate loudspeakers, intensities and to equalize the output channels is desirable for high levels of realism.

We use the PD (Pure Date, from Miller Puckette) as programming, synthesis and sonification control platform in the present implementation (phase III), and the X3D (from the Web3D) as format for scene description. Another programming and scene description tools adequate to the prototyping of setups and patches in real time would be the MAX/MSP and the MPEG-4 Audio BIFS format.

Software Description

An auralization machine according to the AUDIENCE architecture is a modular software, having 4 layers or main groupings of ortogonal functionalities. Each layer separately executes distinct tasks from the others, and contains its proper management structure. The layers have a communication interface that allows that the outputs of one be input to the others. In this way, the functioning of the machine as a whole is similar to one pipeline, and its construction can be oriented as software plugins integration.

The current auralization engines have been built on the PD (visual programming interface) in the form of patches of functional blocks. The PD offers several advantages to serve as basis in this phase, due mainly to its flexibility and orientation to interconnectable functional blocks (patches), and due real time operation facilities.

The figure below shows the realization of an auralization setup, built with functional blocks in the PD programming plataform.

Functional blocks of an auralization engine built in PD

The figure shows the blocks used to auralize a scene with 3 musical instruments employing the software blocks of the AUDIENCE system in PD.

The room acoustic parameters (e.g. walls absorption coefficients, given on the layer 1) are informed in the input blocks (above, to the left). In this example, sliders had been added as user interface for altering/updating the position of the instruments and the listener in the scene (data from layer 1). The "sceneparser" block concatenates and transmits relevant layer 1 data to the functional blocks in layer 2, seen below.

The layer 2 is represented by block "acousticsim" (acoustic simulator) which calculates the acoustic path from each sound source (one for each instrument). This block output generates impulsive responses (IRs) valid for the listener position.

The block "spatialcoder" (right beneath, on layer 3) receives signals (IRs) from layer 2 and the anechoic sounds (e.g. sound sources wave files) to then generate a spatial representation of the sounds listened in the scene (for instance, in B-Format).

The blocks below the "spatialcoder" execute layer 4 functions (mixing, decoding and reproduction).

Besides the patches, some special blocks implementing specific functions (such as ray-based acoustic simulation techniques) are developed in C/C++ and then incorporated to the AUDIENCE function set in PD. This guarantees freedom in the implementation of specialized functions. The AUDIENCE function set and their inter-relationship to model usage cases is done employing UML.

Hardware Description

The AUDIENCE for Immersive VR system hardware includes basically:

(1) one or more processors (e.g. PC nodes of a cluster),

(2) one or more soundcards or multichannel devices,

(3) one system for audio channel distribution, and

(4) an array of loudspeakers, disposed in a given geometry configuration.

Hardware for visualization and auralization with AUDIENCE at the Digital Cave

Several modes or output configurations are possible with AUDIENCE. In our research we have given priority to multichannel configurations where loudspeakers are positioned around the listening area in a (regular) specific geometry, such as octagonal rings, cubes (8 loudspeakers, one per corner) and even dodecaedrics. We have also implemented transcoders to (flat) 5.1 arrays, a format much used in popular home-theaters.

The picture below shows a octagonal ring setup. Regular configurations present better acoustic performance, uniformity in sound field recreation and less computational cost to calculate outputs.

Octagonal setup for loudspeakers


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