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Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz

Starting from primordial concepts of the occidental rationale formation, the opera "Leibniz" intends to artistically comment the primitive relations between art and science in a time in history where these elements blended with metaphisical concepts. The 17th century German thinker Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz embodies perfectly this goals: thinker, philosopher, ambassador, librarian, mathematician, astronomer, mistic and visionary. His contributions span from humanistic critics on Descartes' rational philosophy, to the invention of numeric calculus, passing through his diplomatic attempts at a reunification of protestans and catholics. In 1675, serving as an ambassador at the court of Louis XIV - the Sun King - he wrote a recently discovered text entitled 'Drôle de Pensče' (bizarre thoughts). In it he dreams a permanent event - the 'representation' - where cosmology, art, circus, theatre, panting, botanics, martial arts, etc. or 'all the conquests of the human imagination' would be united at an exposition open to the public or selected groups. These representations' goal would be to broaden the immaginative/perceptual horizon of the spectators, as well as to provide monetary income to artists, scientists and all creators of new proposals.